A New Lease for My Life

Well what a great time to start something new ... the beginning of a new year!!  I always take some time at the beginning of each year, as I am sure some of you do as well, to "take inventory" of my life.  I always start by looking at my DayTimer and seeing all the things I have accomplished in the past year, as well as the things I failed at too, and mostly all of the wonderful people I have met along the road of life that year as well.  Last year was quite a year of twists & turns for me, and as I evaluated 2011 I came to this conclusion.......I am so glad its over!!!  I lost my job last year & went through quite a stressful time int he process that led up to that .  I also lost a battle with a loved one last year as well, spent too much time with what I realize now was the wrong man - still love, but know I have to leave you.

So this year I am making 2012 about me!!!  I wrote a Bucket List categorized by month with just two things to accomplish each month.  I also decided for the first time in awhile to make 2 resolutions - I usually don't do this because I always think of resolutions as things you have to "give up" - so I made mine things I want to gain instead:

#1  -  I want to make sure that I take this year to travel more!!!  I love to travel, I didn't get to do allot of it in 2011 at all, so I found a great website through a friend called BookIt.com & I am planning at least a small excursion every month with an ultimate excursion in the fall - Italy, Greece & Spain - so excited!!

#2 - I am no longer going to spend time with people who don't make time for me.  Really??  This is an easy one.  At times, I find myself giving people my time when honestly they really haven't earned it.  I am such a giving person, that has it's advantages & it's downfalls too.  However, it IS who I am and I am not going to stop being me for you.  I am just going to start being WAY more selective about who I give my time to this year.

So, I hope you all can help me "pay" my lease every month of this new year.  Keep me on track, ask me if I'm sticking to my guns, and I will share my Bucket List with all of you as I tackle it each month.  As well, please share with me what you have decided to change for 2012 & what great things you are doing with your lives!!

"Happiness is a Journey - not a Destination" ~ Souza


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